Thursday, July 7, 2016

Standardized Tests are not recommended

For my final commentary, I chose the article “S.A.T.’s are B.A.D”, written in Life and Liberty blog. I agree with my colleague because I don't think standardized tests are the best way to distinguish students' intelligence. Therefore, I don't recommend these tests.
I believe that the student can be intelligent in different field besides in science, math, and english. Also, if the student is not a good timed test taker, they will definitely do poorly on the these tests. Therefore, they are not able to show their full potential. There are no correlation between GPA in college and standardized tests. Therefore, the students can be successful in elite colleges even though they hit average on the standardized tests. The government and the education system needs to find an alternate way to test the students for the college admission. This system is not a fair system and it may discourage many students.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

On June 30th, 2016, the editorial board from The New York Times published an editorial titled "Transgender Troops Protected At Last".

On June 30th, 2016, the editorial board from The New York Times published an editorial titled "Transgender Troops Protected At Last". This editorial talks about how openly-gay individuals are allowed to serve in the military now. They have to show that they were stable in their gender identity before they can serve. The editorial board also supports this decision made by the nation, and I also agree with this decision because I believe that if an individual wants to support their country, then they have that right. I think it was a good idea that these gay individuals show their stability as a gay individual because it allows the other soldiers to know that they will not have confrontation regarding this issue.
A gay individual have every right to serve their country like other individuals. The country needs every help that they can get. We can't discriminate these people on their gender. We have to move forward as a country. If we continue to discriminate these gay individuals, we will have a conflict within our country. This was the right decision for the country.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

On June 20, 2016, Madison Bush Couch wrote a blog on an article called "Legalizing Marijuana".

On June 20, 2016, Madison Bush Couch wrote a blog on an article called "Legalizing Marijuana". Madison is for the leagalization of marijuana because it doesn't do much harm to our body; therefore, it shouldn't be looked at negatively. She explains how there are many health benefits when marijuana is used as medicine. She also accepts the fact that marijuana can kill brain cells; however, she rebuttals this statement by mentioning the negative effects of alcohol and cigarettes. Thus, I believe she made a good argument when talking about this issue.
I'm very neutral with legalizing marijuana because it can help people when used as a medicine, but it can have negative effect on people who overuse this material. Most young people use marijuana in order to enjoy the "high" of it. Then, they defend themselves by mentioning how it helps people. I know this may comparison may be too extreme, but marijuana can be compared with hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is a painkiller that is used in medicine to relive pain. Some people overuse this to get high off of it and this is when the negative effect comes in play. This is the same idea with marijuana. Thus, I believe marijuana can be legalized with some regulation in order to prevent peole from taking advantage over it. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

On Tuesday, June 14, 2016 The New York Times published an editorial titled “Mr. Obama’s Powerful Words About Terrorism”.

On Tuesday, June 14, 2016 The New York Times published an editorial titled “Mr. Obama’s Powerful Words About Terrorism”. The editorial board published this editorial. This editorial talks about the speech that was made by President Obama when he went against Donald Trump’s opinion. Donald Trump belittles President Obama because Obama avoids using the term “radical Islam”. Trump is stating that Obama is losing to the enemy because he is showing the weak side as a President. However, Obama rebukes Trump’s statement by talking about how we have to consider all the Muslims in America. If we as a nation go to war with Islam terrorist groups, then we are going against the religion itself. This is how the terrorist recruits by showing that America hates Islam people and their religion. We will technically be doing the recruiting job for the terrorists. President Obama continues on by saying that we shouldn’t ban a certain religious group living in America due to the terrorist work done by a certain group of people who believes in the same God. I completely agree with this editorial because it is going against Donald Trump’s immature statement about the Muslims. We shouldn’t ban anyone from this country because America is a place where diversity exists and we should welcome the people who want to be an American. President Obama is absolutely correct in a way that we should care and treat every race and religion the same way rather than discriminating them. I believe Donald Trump is doing a poor job representing the Republican party if he continues to make those type of statements.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

On Wednesday, June 15, 2016, Americablog published a blog titled “Trump thanks LGBTs for Orlando shooting, says he’s more pro-gay than HRC. He’s not”.

On Wednesday, June 15, 2016, Americablog published a blog titled “Trump thanks LGBTs for Orlando shooting, says he’s more pro-gay than HRC. He’s not”. John Aravosis wrote this blog. John Aravosis was targeting the American voters especially the Trump supporters. This blog is talking about how Trump tells the media that he supports the LGBTs more than Hillary. According to the evidences provided by this blog, it shows that Trump’s thoughts on LGBTs were opposite years ago when he stated that he didn't support marriage equality. Trump also stated that he wants to appoint judges who would repeal gay marriage. After the Orlando incident, Trump is releasing different statement to America. This blog is stating that Trump should stay with one side instead of going back and forth. This blog backs up their statements with Trump’s actual quotes on social media. I also agree with this blog because I believe Trump is not showing any characteristics of a president. A president should have a firm belief on what they said before, but he is switching sides because LGBTs community is getting bigger, and he wants to earn their votes. He is also continuing to degrade Hillary by lying to the public based on his assumption. Hillary supported gay community even back in the days. Therefore, Trump can’t say that he supports gay community more than Hillary. This statement in fact will make Americans angrier because it is obvious that Trump is lying to Americans, and it shows that he is capable of lying to Americans without any guilt in the future.

Monday, June 13, 2016

On Monday, June 13, 2016, The New York Times published an editorial titled “What Donald Trump Gets Wrong About Orlando” by the editorial board.

On Monday, June 13, 2016, The New York Times published an editorial titled “What Donald Trump Gets Wrong About Orlando”. This editorial was written by the editorial board. This editorial argues about how Donald Trump acted very un-American and selfish. The editorial board elaborates on the gun law and how it should be regulated. They also argue that Donald Trump is not the right person for the president position because Donald Trump only will try to ban immigrants from coming to America as a solution. However, this editorial supports Hillary Clinton because she supports on the idea how buying a gun shouldn’t be done easily without getting a background check, and she knows that these terrorist attacks will not stop by simply banning all immigrants. The editorial uses the quotes made by the candidates as evidences to support the claim. I agree with this editorial because I also believe Donald Trump didn’t behave maturely as a potential Republican nominee. The first thing Trump did was brag about how he predicted this terrorist was going to happen on social media. Then, Trump continues on and talks about how he will definitely suspend immigration to prevent terrorism. He also degraded the Afghanistan people by implying that Afghanistan people are dangerous because the killer from the Orlando shooting incident was an Afghanistan. I also agree on the fact that Hillary is a better president nominee than Donald Trump because she knows what our mistake is rather than blaming on other race for everything.  

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday, June 9, 2016, CNN published an article titled "Bipartisan outrage calls out Stanford rape sentence" by Sophie Tatum

On Thursday, June 9, 2016, CNN published an article titled "Bipartisan outrage calls out Stanford rape sentence". This article was written by Sophie Tatum. This article basically states that Texas Republican Rep. Ted Poe and California Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier were both upset about the outcome of the Brock Turner's rape case. These both representatives both believed that the judge's decision was absolutely wrong. I'm writing about this article because it shows that our justice system can be portrayed very badly due to one judge's poor decision. There are many politicians who fail to approve the decision made in this rape case. I personally believe that our justice system shouldn't be criticized to the extreme due to one judge's mistake. However, this case does definitely shows that the justice system needs improvement because there are still many biases existing. I also believe that the decision made by the judge was completely wrong because the judge may have made a different decision if the person was a middle class, a minority, or a non-educated student. These mistakes should never happen again because "rape is one of the most violent crimes a person can commit" according to Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier. It shows that our system needs to be adjusted very quickly before more Americans lose hope in the system.