Monday, June 13, 2016

On Monday, June 13, 2016, The New York Times published an editorial titled “What Donald Trump Gets Wrong About Orlando” by the editorial board.

On Monday, June 13, 2016, The New York Times published an editorial titled “What Donald Trump Gets Wrong About Orlando”. This editorial was written by the editorial board. This editorial argues about how Donald Trump acted very un-American and selfish. The editorial board elaborates on the gun law and how it should be regulated. They also argue that Donald Trump is not the right person for the president position because Donald Trump only will try to ban immigrants from coming to America as a solution. However, this editorial supports Hillary Clinton because she supports on the idea how buying a gun shouldn’t be done easily without getting a background check, and she knows that these terrorist attacks will not stop by simply banning all immigrants. The editorial uses the quotes made by the candidates as evidences to support the claim. I agree with this editorial because I also believe Donald Trump didn’t behave maturely as a potential Republican nominee. The first thing Trump did was brag about how he predicted this terrorist was going to happen on social media. Then, Trump continues on and talks about how he will definitely suspend immigration to prevent terrorism. He also degraded the Afghanistan people by implying that Afghanistan people are dangerous because the killer from the Orlando shooting incident was an Afghanistan. I also agree on the fact that Hillary is a better president nominee than Donald Trump because she knows what our mistake is rather than blaming on other race for everything.  

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