Thursday, June 16, 2016

On Wednesday, June 15, 2016, Americablog published a blog titled “Trump thanks LGBTs for Orlando shooting, says he’s more pro-gay than HRC. He’s not”.

On Wednesday, June 15, 2016, Americablog published a blog titled “Trump thanks LGBTs for Orlando shooting, says he’s more pro-gay than HRC. He’s not”. John Aravosis wrote this blog. John Aravosis was targeting the American voters especially the Trump supporters. This blog is talking about how Trump tells the media that he supports the LGBTs more than Hillary. According to the evidences provided by this blog, it shows that Trump’s thoughts on LGBTs were opposite years ago when he stated that he didn't support marriage equality. Trump also stated that he wants to appoint judges who would repeal gay marriage. After the Orlando incident, Trump is releasing different statement to America. This blog is stating that Trump should stay with one side instead of going back and forth. This blog backs up their statements with Trump’s actual quotes on social media. I also agree with this blog because I believe Trump is not showing any characteristics of a president. A president should have a firm belief on what they said before, but he is switching sides because LGBTs community is getting bigger, and he wants to earn their votes. He is also continuing to degrade Hillary by lying to the public based on his assumption. Hillary supported gay community even back in the days. Therefore, Trump can’t say that he supports gay community more than Hillary. This statement in fact will make Americans angrier because it is obvious that Trump is lying to Americans, and it shows that he is capable of lying to Americans without any guilt in the future.

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