Monday, June 20, 2016

On Tuesday, June 14, 2016 The New York Times published an editorial titled “Mr. Obama’s Powerful Words About Terrorism”.

On Tuesday, June 14, 2016 The New York Times published an editorial titled “Mr. Obama’s Powerful Words About Terrorism”. The editorial board published this editorial. This editorial talks about the speech that was made by President Obama when he went against Donald Trump’s opinion. Donald Trump belittles President Obama because Obama avoids using the term “radical Islam”. Trump is stating that Obama is losing to the enemy because he is showing the weak side as a President. However, Obama rebukes Trump’s statement by talking about how we have to consider all the Muslims in America. If we as a nation go to war with Islam terrorist groups, then we are going against the religion itself. This is how the terrorist recruits by showing that America hates Islam people and their religion. We will technically be doing the recruiting job for the terrorists. President Obama continues on by saying that we shouldn’t ban a certain religious group living in America due to the terrorist work done by a certain group of people who believes in the same God. I completely agree with this editorial because it is going against Donald Trump’s immature statement about the Muslims. We shouldn’t ban anyone from this country because America is a place where diversity exists and we should welcome the people who want to be an American. President Obama is absolutely correct in a way that we should care and treat every race and religion the same way rather than discriminating them. I believe Donald Trump is doing a poor job representing the Republican party if he continues to make those type of statements.

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