Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday, June 9, 2016, CNN published an article titled "Bipartisan outrage calls out Stanford rape sentence" by Sophie Tatum

On Thursday, June 9, 2016, CNN published an article titled "Bipartisan outrage calls out Stanford rape sentence". This article was written by Sophie Tatum. This article basically states that Texas Republican Rep. Ted Poe and California Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier were both upset about the outcome of the Brock Turner's rape case. These both representatives both believed that the judge's decision was absolutely wrong. I'm writing about this article because it shows that our justice system can be portrayed very badly due to one judge's poor decision. There are many politicians who fail to approve the decision made in this rape case. I personally believe that our justice system shouldn't be criticized to the extreme due to one judge's mistake. However, this case does definitely shows that the justice system needs improvement because there are still many biases existing. I also believe that the decision made by the judge was completely wrong because the judge may have made a different decision if the person was a middle class, a minority, or a non-educated student. These mistakes should never happen again because "rape is one of the most violent crimes a person can commit" according to Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier. It shows that our system needs to be adjusted very quickly before more Americans lose hope in the system.

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