Thursday, June 23, 2016

On June 20, 2016, Madison Bush Couch wrote a blog on an article called "Legalizing Marijuana".

On June 20, 2016, Madison Bush Couch wrote a blog on an article called "Legalizing Marijuana". Madison is for the leagalization of marijuana because it doesn't do much harm to our body; therefore, it shouldn't be looked at negatively. She explains how there are many health benefits when marijuana is used as medicine. She also accepts the fact that marijuana can kill brain cells; however, she rebuttals this statement by mentioning the negative effects of alcohol and cigarettes. Thus, I believe she made a good argument when talking about this issue.
I'm very neutral with legalizing marijuana because it can help people when used as a medicine, but it can have negative effect on people who overuse this material. Most young people use marijuana in order to enjoy the "high" of it. Then, they defend themselves by mentioning how it helps people. I know this may comparison may be too extreme, but marijuana can be compared with hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is a painkiller that is used in medicine to relive pain. Some people overuse this to get high off of it and this is when the negative effect comes in play. This is the same idea with marijuana. Thus, I believe marijuana can be legalized with some regulation in order to prevent peole from taking advantage over it. 

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